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Marble Surface


Welcome to my page. 


I am Karina Reid and here its where design meets function and inspiration 

My goal is to inspire you create spaces that not only look beautiful but also make you feel at home.


Whether you're a design enthusiast or just getting started, we're here to provide tips, ideas, and resources to elevate your interior design game.


Let's explore the world of design together!"


Writer's pictureMaka Design

06 ways to improve your Interior Design Skills.

There are several ways to improve your interior design skills, and today I will talk about 6 of than to you.

1 | Take a course or workshop:

College or short course it's the best way for you became a master. I understand there are people with natural skills, and congratulations with you are one of than, but let be honest, for start you need study to know the basic.

Consider enrolling in a course or workshop on interior design. This will give you the opportunity to learn new skills, techniques, and design principles.

2 | Read design books and blogs:

Read books and blogs on interior design to learn about the latest trends, design ideas, and principles. This will give you a better understanding of the field and help you develop your own style.

Here you can find few of my favorites Blogs:

3 | Practice, practice, practice:

When you just start, it's hard, as you don't have to many clients and sometimes you have none.

But you can design your own space, you mom Kitchen, your uncles living room, free of charge just to get experience and test your skills.

The more you practice, the better you will become. Try designing different spaces (maybe differentes design for the same space and experimenting with different color schemes, and playing with textures and patterns.

You will see, It will become easier and easier.

4 | Get feedback:

Sometimes it's hard know if you are on the right way, if what you design its its attending just your expectations or its attending the clients needs.

Don't be afraid to share your designs with friends, family, or other designers and ask for feedback.

This practice its part of the job and will help you identify areas that you can improve on and get new ideas.

5 | Attend design events:

Keeping up with all the changes is not easy. Every day there are new things, colors, materials and a lots of possibilities, mainly related to technology, and it is part of our job to monitor all this to bring our customers the best possible result.

A good way to do this it's stay on top Attend design events, trade shows, and conferences to learn about new products and meet other designers. This will help you stay current and connected in the industry.

6 | Use design software:

Okay, nobody has time to waste.

As a workmom with two super active girls, I know that very well.

For this I use technology in my favor.

I worked for many years with Autocad, which has always served me very well in 2d and Technical Projects.

Buuuuut with the evolution and arrival of 3D I started to feel a lot of difficulty working in two programs on the same time, because, after all I had the same job twice.

But from years of study I have developed a super efficient work technique with which I save at least 30% of time on each project.

Using SketchUp + Layout my performance improved a lot and so I had more time to attend my clients and take care of my family and friends.

It's important you consider learn a design software such as SketchUp or AutoCAD to create and visualize your designs. This will help you refine your ideas and create more accurate designs.

I can assure you that with these tips your work process will be better and, like me, you will fall in love with this wonderful profession.

Enjoy your day

Karina Reid

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